Thursday, October 4, 2012

Joining the World of Bloggers

Yeah, yeah so I am a little late in the game. But ya know what, it's better late than never! So let me start out by telling you a little story.

In April of this year, I found out that I am going to be a mommy! I was and still am super thrilled. But let me tell you one little secret about being pregnant, it can be one of the most uncomfortable, scary, confusing and exciting times all rolled into 9 months that seem to fly by and drag on at the SAME TIME.

Well since my husband and I have decided that I will be a stay at home mom for at least the first couple years of our baby's life, I have been practicing my homemaker skills right here at home for the last 6 months. It is really a different experience than what I had expected, since I had been out in the workforce since I was 16 years old. But, since my own mother was the greatest domestic goddess I could ever imagine, I learned a lot while growing up and I feel the world should know about it. So I'm hoping to share some great recipes, crafts, and other nonsense right here. I look forward to this whole new journey into mommyhood, homemaker, and now... BLOGGER!


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