Saturday, January 19, 2013

My hiatus and little Ivan (aka Zingy Baby)

 Hello again! You may have noticed that I went on a bit of a vacation from blogging for a bit. The last weeks of my pregnancy were hectic. Well, that is what I tell myself anyway. I was honestly just too lazy and uncomfortable to do much of anything. My meals became lame and unworthy of blogging about. But, have no fear! I am already working on planning meals for the next few weeks now that my life is starting to show signs of normality. Maybe not the same kind of normal, since we have a new baby in the house! My son Ivan was born right on his due date 12-14. He was a whopping 9 pounds and 4 ounces. That's a boy born to a cook! He is absolutely wonderful and this new journey into mommyhood has been quite a ride already. Enough reading, it's time for a picture of my little snugglebug!

Seriously, how cute is he!

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